51 and proud, and shouting it from the rooftops. I'm happier and healthier than I've ever been before. Glad to leave behind some of the insecurities of youth and excited for what comes next 😃

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Exactly! Love that. It's like we were in training up until 50 and now we get to live fully qualified!

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Yes, exactly. I look back on 20 and 30-something me and I think - she wasn't a fully formed human yet 😀

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I wish I could say that to my 18 year old daughter who thinks she knows everything!!

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Thanks from me too, Alana! Where can I sign up for one of your talks? Ps, I’M NEARLY 47, wooooo!

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Wahoo! What a great age! I really enjoyed your piece. You're very kind... maybe the best way is to follow me on Insta (midlifecoach) as I always promote my stuff there. If you're in Dublin on the 29th Sept, I have an event called The Confidence Conversation which will be fun! https://www.eventbrite.ie/o/the-confidence-conversation-31680889655

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Fab, just followed you. Would love to come to your Dublin event but am away… next time I hope! X

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Thank you for the shoutout Alana, and for the links to all the great reads.

Love to see how you've flipped your mother's story in this generation and I sincerely hope your daughter and her generation will no longer have to think about this either way.

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Well thank you back for writing such a great piece. I absolutely loved it and I do a lot of talks to women in the workplace and I loved your rally cry to the younger ones to just get over the conditioning earlier so we can all just get on with living our lives as us!

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