Oh I'm so glad. We have to give ourselves a break - know we are good and kind and caring and then just get on with being those things to ourselves too!
Exactly! Which leads girls to become women with a heavy load of over-responsibility. Sigh. But we cna start to change the narrative by handing the responsibility back to where and who it belongs.
Thank you- I needed this today
Ah I'm really glad it's helped. Go forth and be good at being good to you!
"What if you stop proving your kindness and love every day, and start assuming it is a given..."🤯🤔😥🙂
I'm taking this reframe to heart! Thank you for the thoughtful call to action.
Oh I'm so glad. We have to give ourselves a break - know we are good and kind and caring and then just get on with being those things to ourselves too!
So true! I was told to “be safe” all the time, like it was my sole responsibility.
Exactly! Which leads girls to become women with a heavy load of over-responsibility. Sigh. But we cna start to change the narrative by handing the responsibility back to where and who it belongs.